Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'm still alive........fuckers!!

Just when you thought I was dead.......just when i'd stopped writting annoying stuff and posting it on the web.......haha......I'm annoy some more......

This world is a strange place....full of strange ppl.....and strange thing (me being one of them). Ever heard of the transpiration - pull cohesion thoery? Well thats how water goes from the roots of a plant to the leaves. The cells at the leave get hyper tonic to those close to it. This goes on and thus creates a pull on the water in the roots, thereby drawing it upwards. In some plants the pull is so strong it has the capacity to draw water upto a height of 50 metres.

Now...lets get down to it....I hate the fucker who invented this fuckin theory. If he is reading this...I say to you "FUCK YOU!!". I hate studying this thoery. For chrissakes....I'm in the 10th not doing ph.d

so my fellow humans......I say to you. Peace....and may the force be with you.