Thursday, March 08, 2007

So they tore down the Great Wall of Berlin...

Last tuesday, the air is rent with the screeches of those being insessantly beaten with rather large packs of cigerettes......I don't know where this is going but lets all ride the crazy train that goes on and on into the depth of stuff.......Yeah.....Just like in "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl".........To the land of milk and cookies....and I don't mean Hooters.......

So there they were. Tearing down the Great Wall of Berlin. Who cared if it was Hitler's paternal grand-father, also supposed to be his sister, was the one who had built it?.....The hippies had a point to prove. "You can see the graffiti from space", said Neil Armstrong, brother of Lance Armstrong (founder of the Uni-Ball foundation.....What?....I can't be heartless?......). The gaint "Fuck niggers" isn't a great sign to the aliens.......Peace......Flower power......Coccaine........I love them all........

Can you believe that?.....They cancelled my show.....Lets talk about AeroSmith......Steven Taylor made Liv Taylor?....HOW??????...Teach me...

There is absolutely nothing funny left to say about these shit-eating, moss-caked old liches. Oh wait, here's something funny: Steven Tyler has hepatitis. I just hope it doesn't kill him before some enterprising guardian of human culture can cut slit his throat from ear to ear. The only Aerosmith record I would ever buy would be a recording of that event: Steven Tyler Live: Begging, choking, gurgling, hacking, and finally fucking expiring.

I'd buy one of those insane audiophile systems for that. I'd put up acoustic egg-crate foam paneling on all my walls, and I'd buy solid-gold stereo components to ensure the most flawless fidelity imaginable. I need to hear every detail, every taut neck-tendon snapping, every screech of dull knife on cartilaginous windpipe. Ah, and I'd sit back in a big leather recliner, in the pure euphoria of knowing that Steven Tyler is suffering as much as he's made our brain cells suffer for so many years.

Legal notice: Killing Steven Tyler, even at my behest, is not considered legal in most municipalities.

And T.A.T.U.......For the perverted dudes who wish they were their sisters and cried every time they watched them in the school-zoo-cage thing.....

Hey, it's those two teenaged Russian phony-lesbians who were popular for about ten minutes before everyone realized they were straight and, come to think of it, kind of homely.

There are two types of Greatest Hits compilations in this world. Firstly, you have the high profile compilation, like the Aerosmith set, that record labels push out during the holiday season in order to sell a guaranteed few million copies and buy the head of the label a helicopter full of teenage boys. Secondly, and more commonly, you've got a label shoveling out a last-ditch effort to recoup their losses from a giant hype campaign that amounted to jack shit.

Peace, Pineapple and cheese


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